On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 17:19:08 -0500, Bartosz Milewski <bartosz-nos...@relisoft.com> wrote:

int[] a = [0];
auto b = a;
a ~= 1;
b ~= 2;
What is a[1]?

Is this considered "stomping" and requiring a re-allocation?

Can this question be answered without the recourse to implementation, and the MRU cache in particular?

I thought about an abstract definition of "stomping".Something like that: The expanded part of the array is never implicitly shared with any other array. But I'm not sure about this case:

int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
int[] b = a[0..1];
b ~= 4;
what is a[1]?

By my definition, this would be considered stomping, but I couldn't find this example in TDPL.

I believe that's because Andrei is hoping this problem will be fixed before TDPL comes out...

I'm also not sure what to make of this statement: "client code is guaranteed to benefit of good average performance over a large number of appends to the same array". Since "good" is open to interpretation, such a guarantee is meaningless. If it is meant as "amortized O(1)", it's impossible to fulfill, unless the MRU cache is infinite and a lookup is O(1).

If a reasonably small size limit is put on the MRU cache (defined by Andrei as 8), then MRU cache lookup is O(1). You still need a lock, but that's not any different than today's requirement, and it certainly wouldn't be any worse than re-allocating for every append. I agree there needs to be a better solution if you want the highest performance, but the simplest and most convenient solution should also perform reasonably well, and shouldn't corrupt data.

Then there is the problem of multithreading. A global MRU cache would require potentially expensive synchronization. A thread-local cache, on the other hand, makes thread creation even more heavy-weight than it is right now. My prediction is that D will be evolving towards user-level threads and fine granularity concurrency, which requires very small thread footprint.

You mean more heavyweight than allocating a new heap for each thread? The only construct which makes sense to tie individual MRU caches to is a heap, and I think adding the 64 bytes required for an MRU cache to a heap is not that big a deal.


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