On 07/10/2017 02:16 PM, Joakim wrote:
I'm actually skeptical of cloud- I think mobile p2p will eat most of the cloud-

I've been REALLY hoping p2p will eat...cloud^H^H^H^H^Hcentralized internet services[1], but if I were a betting man I'd bet heavily against it. For one thing, for p2p to kill "cloud" we'd realistically need IPv6 to become much more ubiquitous, and that just isn't happening.

And I think the #2 reason IPv6 isn't happening (behind plain old inertia) is that it would *allow* p2p to overtake cloud. Which brings me to the next reason I don't think p2p will kill "cloud": All the big players with all the money and the power all LOVE "cloud" because it allows them to hoard more power, control and money, whereas p2p would completely destroy that frontier for them.

Also, replacing "cloud" with p2p would mean more reliance on user's devices actually having decent storage and upload bandwidth, but non-power-users (ie the vast majority of people, if you don't live in hipster valley) are ambivalent towards that, and it would raise the price of their devices, AND they don't want to deal with running low on storage, or backing things up, so they love "cloud" too.

Both the engineer and the humanitarian in me both REALLY want to see p2p eat "cloud", but I just don't see it realistically happening.

[1] The word "clould" bugs me to no end. It's the tech sector's equivalent to "smurf" - stupid word is used to mean *anything* internet-releated, even "internet" itself.

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