I agree with the others that having no major company behind DLang is not helping from a money/resource/exposure point of view. That said, there must be things we can do as a community to help improve the situation.

I can imagine for example that the community could focus on particular sectors where D excels, and create as much quality content as possible about how to use D to solve problems in those areas. Moreover having a push to get articles into the blogosphere and social media would do wonders.

Coming from a web development background (PHP), I think D is a wonderful language. It's expressive, elegant, performant and fun. Based on my experience, I think web development is one of those sectors where D could become more popular.


Sorry to repeat myself, but D's built-in concurrency (fibers) makes it a better alternative to Go for web development.

More over, as it generate fast executable at lightspeed, it can be a very good alternative to Dart for cross mobile development.

What is lacking is just immediate usability through simple, easy to use libraries, automatically installed along with the compiler.

My advice is to stop focusing on making D a "better language", because it's already very usable at the moment in its current state. I'm even afraid of some D3 proposals which could injure more than heal in this regard.

Instead, try to make it a "better tool" for CROSS-PLATFORM mobile and web development.

That's where the need is, that's where the hype will be.

Don't be blind, look at what Dart, Kotlin, etc offer to those who need to implement web/mobile applications.

D can do better than them in these areas with the right mix of official libraries and auto-promotion.

Right now I'm using Dart for Android/iOS development, and Go for web development, despite these language s*ck compared to D.

Because they are VERY CONVENIENT and USABLE for that.

D has better language features, but what makes a language stand above its competition are its official libraries.

Those of Go and Dart are obviously not perfect, as everybody has different needs and ways of thinking, but many people should agree that they are well designed in order get the job done quickly.

So again, stop making D a better development language, make it a better development TOOL.

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