On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 22:12:32 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 15:41:28 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
... That's not what I consider to be "simple" (Hard to read IMO).

struct DblRep
    BitFieldDesc(Type.Ulong, "fraction", 23),
    BitFieldDesc(Type.Ushort, "exponent", 8),
    BitFieldDesc(Type.Bool, "sign", 1)

With macros would look like

struct DblRep
    @23 ulong fraction;
    @8 ushort exponent;
    @1 bool sign;

There is no reason you can't reflect on DblRep and generate the bit fields, see Stevens recent talk. https://forum.dlang.org/thread/ojai9r$se7$1...@digitalmars.com

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