On 28 July 2017 at 21:20, 12345swordy via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 18:24:02 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 05:38:10PM +0000, Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d
>> wrote:
>>> [...]
>> Not necessarily.  Perhaps "IR" is the wrong term to use, as in compiler
>> parlance it means something very close to machine code, but the idea is that
>> the core language should provide enough semantics that you can still
>> introspect and reason about it meaningfully.  To use the C++ example, it
>> would provide semantic notions like access permissions, so that you can
>> still meaninfully introspect whether a method is public, private, protected,
>> etc..
>> [...]
> Reading through the dlang documentation, I can't find a way to enforce a
> certain code standard using mixins _traits ctfe.
> For example you have a custom allocator and you forbid using c malloc in
> functions and class constructor, and you create the @noMalloc to achieve
> this. To me that what's currently missing in D. To enforce certain code
> standards in projects to prevent developers accidentally using a certain
> function/class that is forbid by the custom attribute and that is not
> covered by the current attributes(safe, nogc, etc).
> Imo it's very beneficial to have coding standards enforce by compile time.

Sounds an awful lot like how people use UDAs and compile-time
introspection to me.

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