On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:46:57 UTC, aberba wrote:
vibe-s3 (https://code.dlang.org/packages/vibe-s3) is an Amazon s3 object storage API for D.

Has anyone here used or tested it? What was your experiences? It has the tagline "this library is highly alpha and mostly untested. use at your own risk".

I created a generator which uses the JS Api definitions
https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/tree/master/apis to create D structs and classes. Instead of calling the rest interfaces the generated code is calling the AWS console client, which is available for most operation systems.

Unfortunatelly I do not have the property on this library and therefore I am not allowed to release it. But I can say it was an matter of some hours to implement it and you have immediatelly access to all AWS services.

Kind regards

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