On Thursday, 10 August 2017 at 15:49:35 UTC, Andres Clari wrote:
On Monday, 7 August 2017 at 22:46:57 UTC, aberba wrote:
vibe-s3 (https://code.dlang.org/packages/vibe-s3) is an Amazon s3 object storage API for D.

Has anyone here used or tested it? What was your experiences? It has the tagline "this library is highly alpha and mostly untested. use at your own risk".

Last time I tested it around Nov, 2016, it was very buggy. I'm using an in-house deimos wrapper for "libs3".

I would be awesome to have some native library for S3, and other AWS stuff, but I'm very thrown back by having it depend on vibe.d. Nothing against it, but say you just want to make a simple upload utility specialized, having to depend on vibe.d for that really is something unacceptable.

Ideally we'd wanna have a library for the whole Amazon auth stuff wrapped, and libraries for the specific services you want to use, being as standalone as possible.

After comparing Google's object storage platform with Amazon, I found Google's to be much simpler and straight forward plus it uses a json based api which is much simple to parse and understand.

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