On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 12:59:07 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Downloads from dlang.org, which doesn't include outside distro packages like Arch or FreeBSD, have now jumped an order of magnitude over the last five years:


Congrats to all those who kept their head down grinding away on code, including the enlightening technical debates in this forum, as opposed to all the armchair strategists opining "What D really needs is..." but not submitting any pull requests (I partake in such strategizing too, but I have also contributed PRs to further the mobile effort, for example).

Ldc has seen similar gains, look at the increased downloads over the last two years:


Here's to the next order of magnitude jump!

Would I be right in guessing that the huge spike earlier in the month/July was Netflix's announcement of using D for their NN library? If so this is a big indication of how important even the smallest amount of publicity can be.

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