On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 00:46:39 +0300, Travis Boucher <boucher.tra...@gmail.com> wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 14:00:18 +0300, Gerrit Wichert <g...@green-stores.de> wrote:

how about opLimit ?
I recall that Visual Basic has UBound function that returns upper bound of a multi-dimensional array:
 Dim a(100, 5, 4) As Byte
 UBound(a, 1) -> 100
UBound(a, 2) -> 5
UBound(a, 3) -> 4
 Works for single-dimensional arrays, too:
 Dim b(8) As Byte
UBound(b) -> 8

See the length property.

char[] a = "Hello, World!";  // a.length = 13

Thanks, but... This thread is actually about discussing different names for a $ operator. I brought a point that VB has a UBound function that does exactly what opDollar is supposed to do, so something like opUpperBound() might fit.

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