On Tuesday, 29 August 2017 at 05:10:25 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I needed some C# style events, so I rolled my own. Long story short, the result was unsatisfactory.


Anyways, I threw together some code while thinking about what an event may look like in D:


I like the C# event syntax too and came up with the following D analogon, just to prove that a primitive library-based solution in D is doable in 35 lines and can offer as much comfort as C# here.

struct Event(Args)
    alias CB = void delegate(Args);
    CB[] callbacks;

    void opOpAssign(string op)(CB handler)
        if (op == "+" || op == "-")
        static if (op == "+")
            callbacks ~= handler;
            import std.algorithm.mutation : remove;
            callbacks = callbacks.remove!(x => x == handler);

    void opOpAssign(string op)(void function(Args) handler)
        if (op == "+" || op == "-")
        import std.functional : toDelegate;

    void opCall(Args args)
        foreach (cb; callbacks)

    bool opCast(T)()
        if (is(T == bool))
        return callbacks.length != 0;

The following test code prints the expected output:

struct S
    int a;
    void handler(int arg)
        printf("S.handler: this.a = %d, arg = %d\n", a, arg);

void func(int arg) { printf("func: arg = %d\n", arg); }

void main()
    Event!int onChanged;
    auto s = S(666);


    onChanged += (int arg) { printf("lambda: arg = %d\n", arg); };
    onChanged += &func;
    onChanged += &s.handler;

    onChanged -= &s.handler;

    onChanged -= &func;

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