On 30.08.2017 11:36, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
The subj is not (any longer) supported by compiler. In fact it used to produce wrong code sometimes and now it just plainly rejects it.

It's freaking inconvenient because I can't deploy new compile-time std.regex w/o it.

The example:

enum ctr = ctRegex!"blah";

after my changes must be:

static immutable ctr = ctRegex!"blah";

Howeever I divised a trick to get equivalent functionality as follows:

template ctRegexImpl(alias pattern, string flags=[])
    static immutable staticRe = ...;
    struct Wrapper
       @property auto getRe(){ return staticRe; }
       alias getRe this;
    enum wrapper = Wrapper();

public enum ctRegex(alias pattern, alias flags=[]) = ctRegexImpl!(pattern, flags).wrapper;

Now ctRegex returns a neat forwarding struct that bypasses the strange limitation. The question remains though - why can't compiler do it automatically?

I think the underlying reason why it does not work is that dynamic array manifest constants are messed up. I.e. class reference `enum`s are disallowed in order to avoid having to make a decision for either inconsistent or insane semantics.

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