this should help

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Thorsten Sommer via Digitalmars-d <> wrote:

> Thank you very much for the different approaches. Vladimir, I installed
> the GDB today and try to gain new insights with it. Rikki, we are aware of
> the advantages of LDC. But first of all we want the program to run with
> DMD. After that we would then switch to LDC.
> I have already introduced try-catch blocks on "Throwable" around all
> program parts, which unfortunately does not work. We also use logging.
> Unfortunately, these measures do not work.
> Moritz, thank you for the idea of checking the exit code. I have adjusted
> the Dockerfile accordingly: Our code leads to at least one segmentation
> fault. I hope to be able to identify the position with GDB.
> Qznc, we just put your suggestion into practice. Hope to find out more
> with GDB now. Installed GDB in the Docker container and automated the
> launch. Should actually work, the test is running while I am writing this
> text.
> Ali, thanks for the tip with OOM Killer. I never knew that fact before. At
> the moment it is the case that segmentation fault occurs before we even
> begin to reach a memory limit. However, I will keep this in mind for
> further work and testing.
> Thank you all so much. We will now work with GDB and hopefully solve the
> problem.

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