On Monday, 23 October 2017 at 12:13:12 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
And on the other hand, for deployment, it's much easier to copy over one binary. (In a sense it's funny that the question was asked in the context of containers, because containers are kind of an alternative to having a single binary). When you're properly set-up of course it doesn't matter, but when you're moving towards that, a single binary is much easier.

A bit OT but this part made me think of [1] of which you may appreciate the insight. Right now I kind of feel like with D we get the downside in size of fat binaries without the upside in portability (although solutions exist for the dedicated and patient ones). This might proove an important drawback in the future... we'll see.

[1]: http://www.smashcompany.com/technology/why-would-anyone-choose-docker-over-fat-binaries

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