On 10/26/17 17:51, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, October 26, 2017 03:25:24 Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On 10/25/17 23:57, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I'm more concerned that I don't think we'll manage to implement a
complete API and 100% bug free at the first try.

Depends on how one defines first try. Phobos as a pretty solid process
for making sure these things are reasonably bug free. And near as I can
tell, Phobos is pretty good about accepting bug fixes.

The bigger problem is API bugs. The review process is rigorous enough to
weed out a lot of stuff, but the end result is typically an API that we
_think_ looks good but usually hasn't seen much real world use (much as its
design may be based on real world experience). And if it turns out that the
API has problems, it can be very difficult to fix that in a way that doesn't
break code. Sometimes, we're able to reasonably do something about it and
sometimes not. In theory, std.experimental would mitigate that, and that's
where anything that was accepted would go first, but the process for getting
new modules into Phobos is very much geared towards getting an API right up
front rather than getting something that's close and iterating towards where
it ultimately should be.

What would probably be better in general would be to be writing stuff that
ends up on code.dlang.org first and gets some real world use there and then
look at getting it into Phobos later rather than aiming directly for Phobos.
Not only would that likely help lead towards better code being in Phobos,
but we'd still get useful stuff even if it didn't make it into Phobos.

- Jonathan M Davis

I understand the concern, however, I can see potential mitigations. For one, steal an API concept from somewhere else. I've had reasonable success so far stealing ADO.NET and the refactoring it into something more idiomatic. Using that as a starting point gave me a pretty good understanding of what was needed and it gave me a prototype API that has been battle-tested.

Has anything from code.dlang.org been pulled into Phobos yet? I'm not aware of anything. code.dlang.org is where Phobos projects go to quietly die in obscurity.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
import quiet.dlang.dev;

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