On Saturday, 28 October 2017 at 02:30:50 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Saturday, 28 October 2017 at 01:42:52 UTC, evilrat wrote:
Since you already on that wave, can you test Windows SDK installation and make DMD's sc.ini use the SDK?

nope. not me. I've had enough ;-)

I use FreeBSD.

I just wanted so see what effort I had to undertake to compile D into a 64bit binary on Windows - presuming I didn't want visual studio too...

Needless to say...I'm not impressed. And I'll leave it at that.

No problem. Actually there is a recent post in blog about D and VS where WinSDK is mentioned, might be interested to read - https://dlang.org/blog/2017/10/25/dmd-windows-and-c/

Some clarifications - VS projects(at least MS one's, i.e. C++ and C#) are just xml 'build scripts' for msbuild.exe, which itself don't have the knowledge about project or how to build them, it is plugins that provides such knowledge to it. So in this sense VS project properties editor is just a nice UI for editing build scripts. And when one hit the build button in VS it is just invokes msbuild with that script(project file). That's why we have WinSDK, MSBuild tools, and VS as separate downloads, and VS includes the former two.
More or less like that. This might be helpful for some users.

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