On 10/28/17 12:46, Jerry wrote:
On Saturday, 28 October 2017 at 15:36:38 UTC, codephantom wrote:
But if you really are missing my point..then let me state it more

(1) I don't like waiting 4 hours to download gigabytes of crap I don't
actually want, but somehow need (if I want to compile 64bit D that is).

Start the download when you go to sleep, when you wake up it will be
finished. I did this as a kid when I had internet that was probably even
slower than yours right now. It'll be like those 4 hours never even

(2)I like to have choice.

A fast internet might help with (1).

(2) seems out of reach (and that's why I dont' and won't be using D on
Windows ;-)

It's probably why you shouldn't be on Windows to begin with..

(being a recreational programmer, I have that luxury..I understand
that others do not, but that's no reason for 'some' to dismiss my
concerns as irrelevant. They're relavent to me, and that's all that
matters ;-)

Talk about being narcissistic ;)

Hey Jerry, I appreciate what you're trying to accomplish .. but uh ... don't feed that trolls. ;)

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
import quiet.dlang.dev;

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