On Saturday, 4 November 2017 at 03:19:00 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
So, that implies that you're doing something funny, but if
you're installing dmd with an installer or package manager,
then I would think that it would at least be set up correctly.
ok. I worked it out.
my file was named: to.d
so that caused dmd some confusion it seems.
change the name to something else, then dmd is ok with that code.
There's some real 'gotchas' when it comes to file names and
dmd... I'm not sure I like it.
Interestingly, gdc didn't care that my file was named to.d, it
did what I wanted the code to do. Would like dmd to do the same
But ldc does the same thing as dmd...neither likes a file named
to.d when you're calling a template with the same name.