On Sunday, 12 November 2017 at 01:00:46 UTC, bauss wrote:
and btw. if you had gone back a few threads (instead of just jumping into a conversation to just have a go at me), then you'd know that it all started because i attempted to inject some humour into the converstation, and used a youtube video that made fun of the design of Windows 10 - in a humerous manner.

Hahahah so funny....... no.

And again, I'd like to point out to everyone, that the attack on me, in this thread, started becasue I dared to poke fun at the design of Windows 10.

In another discussion, the attack on me started because i dared to suggest you should be able to compile a 64bit D executable, on Windows, without have to download GB's of propriatey, closed-source, bloatware.

That really seemed to pee of the MSFT fanboys on these forums...who then thought it was appropriate to start attacking me personally.

I don't mind dishing it out back to them...if they persist.

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