On Monday, 27 November 2017 at 17:44:54 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
All: we have had an increase in troll posts lately. Please avoid engaging them and resist the urge to correct assertions no matter how wrong, indignating, etc. The best response to troll posts is spending the time that would elsewhere go in flamewars, on good work. Feel free to use your newsreader's "killfile" feature to filter away posts from aliases you assess have a net negative contribution to this forum.



Why doesnt D have two mailing lists, or two forums,
many FOSS projects, have one mailing list open for everyone, trolls and what-not

And another mailing list, that is read-only for everyone, and only the DLang contributors can post to it

Tcl is good example, in general I believe Tcl is one of better managed FOSS projects, their wiki, dev mailing list, TIP/DIP system is one of the best

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