On 1 December 2017 at 04:23, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> 26 bytes of inserted Bloaty McBloatface code and 15 bytes of data. My
> proposal:
> _D4test4testFiZv:
> 0000:           push    RBP
> 0001:           mov     RBP,RSP
> 0004:           sub     RSP,040h
> 0008:           mov     010h[RBP],ECX
> 000b:           cmp     dword ptr 010h[RBP],0
> 000f:           jne     $+01h
> 0011:           hlt                                // look ma, 1 byte!
> 0012:           mov     RSP,RBP
> 0015:           pop     RBP
> 0016:           ret
> 1 byte of inserted code, and the data strings are gone as well.

But then you need to bloat your program with debug info in order to
understand what, why, and how things went wrong.

Not worth it IMO.

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