On Friday, 22 December 2017 at 15:23:51 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I think we are now in a world where Rust is the zero cost abstraction language to replace C and C++, except for those who are determined to stay with C++ and evolve it.

Well..there are plenty who are determined to stay with C++ and evolve it... so I don't see a replacement for C++ coming anytime soon ;-)

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a C++ renaissance in the not too distance future..(don't hold me to that though)

As for C, everyone seems to be trying to make a 'better' C, including new kid on the block , Zig ("Zig is a programming language which is intended to replace C") - http://ziglang.org/

But some of these so called better C projects just change the syntax too much, and the learning curve becomes too much...at least for me.. as I don't have that kind of patience anymore, and much of the syntax change is just ideologically driven anyway.

D really does have the right balance of 'maintaining syntax' (for the most part) that a C developer can instantly recognise and begin working with.

= still = =

Out of Go, Rust and D, I find D to be 'the most' refreshing and pleasant alternative to C, and I doubt anyone or anything could convince me otherwise.

D is also *not* being driven by corporate heads, which means it's more free to innovate and become better.

Having said that, nothing is better than C.

And I wish -betterC was renamed -slimD, -saferC, or perhaps, -niceAlternativeToC

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