On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 at 19:42:50 UTC, Dan Partelly wrote:
Im not here to save the world , the baby seals , or D (if it needs saving), or whatever other crusade. Im here because Im curious about D, curious enough to want to know future direction and what the bright people around here think on it. I ask nobody yet to implement anything, neither do I try to shift its development in any way. I gather cursory information and for the rest ... I simply don't care.. yet.

That is all. Dont try to see more.

Well, you're doing what most people do, when they hear about a new programming language - i.e. start comparing it to others.... there is a psychological basis for that phenomena - it's human.

But honestly, the best way to learn about a programming language, is to start using it.

So I ask you...what have you written in D lately?

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