On Thursday, 28 December 2017 at 02:21:09 UTC, Dan Partelly wrote:

Small snippets. I believe is the best way to start with a new language. Then you decide if you like it, and if it serves any purpose for you. Adopting a new language for anything serious is a big commitment.

This is what I do to. Only discovered D a few months ago..have 300+ snippets and growing... It's the best way to learn about various features ...

My problem currently is that I have no freaking idea what niche D serves, since as I said I perceive multiple personalities in it. I like a lot in the language, but I do not like that I perceive it as a indecisive language.

I see it as an alternative to C++ - i.e a powerful and flexible compiled language that I can actually understand, and enjoy using.

This is one of the reasons I asked Walter in this thread what is the future of the language ?
Where does it to go ? No clear answer yet.

That really depends on what people (not just Walter) do with it, and want to do with it. This varies alot, and will continue to vary alot, as we don't all think the same way, or want to solve the same problems.

Clearly though, D is targetted as a better C, an increasingly better C++, as well as better general use, multiparadigm, powerful, flexible, fast, compiled langauge..that is understandable and pleasant to work with.

It that's not enough to get people interested in it, then what is?

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