On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 18:09:32 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 17:44:58 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
DMD also has at least 30 PRs which have had no action from the author in over a year. There's no reason these should be kept open; they just take up auto-tester resources and lower the signal to noise ratio.

FYI: stalled PRs don't take up resources (except they target stable, which is why one of the reasons stable PRs should be merged ASAP). It's due to the auto-tester sorting PRs by their activity.

They waste resources of folks looking to review stuff that is actual and active.

BTW: For those who haven't seen this, dlang-bot now detects these stalled PRs and for now labels them as "stalled":


I'm not sure whether auto-closing them is a good idea, but we definitely need to do sth. about them.
Also one year without any activity is a very long time.

It’s not like we loose anything, we don’t delete code of the author. So should he/she find time - just create a new PR. Also these willing to dig in the closed PRs are free to do so (it’s just a couple of passes to add a filter to your search).

Personally, I’d say 3 of months of silence usually enough to put off most except for seasoned contributors. Many opensource projects do even worse job but we should look at the best examples.

Dlang-bot currently uses 90 days though imho that's already very conservative.

Just tagging doesn’t really help, I already can sort by activity.



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