On Friday, 5 January 2018 at 04:26:25 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I can't agree with the "just close older bugs and PRs." There's good stuff in them. Even if the PR is no good, it provides insight to someone working on a better fix. Closing it means nobody will ever be aware of it or look at it again.

Relying on the original author to revive it will not work.

It's similar with older bugs. They still have discussion on them that contributes valuable information and insight to anyone wishing to work on it. Closing them with no action means the information is all lost.

As for autotester resources, it should be easy enough to have it skip testing any PRs that have had no activity for XXX days.

I don't believe "Logan's Run" makes a good foundation for a functioning QA system.


A perfect project would be able to make quick decisions on PRs, but that doesn't mean closing PRs makes a better project. It's a little bit cargo-culty.

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