On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 00:34:48 +0000, Benny wrote:

> https://crates.io/categories

Thanks. I wish that was easier to find though. I still don't see how to 
get there without knowing it already exists.

> The issue is that a lot of D's packages are even less maintained then
> Rust, mostly because Rust being newer and attracting more active crowds.
> And it does not help when Dmd having constant deprecating functions and
> regressions ( what happens WAY too often ) that break packages.
> Its a long term weakness. Depending on 3th party packages is always
> dangerous but even more so when the compiler forces people to use older
> versions, just to stay safe.

Yeah, I'm not sure how cruft should be handled; maybe move anything that 
hasn't had a single commit in 4 years to an Archive category which is 
hidden by default... at the rate D changes, even the simplest libraries 
that haven't been touched in four years likely have a deprecation or error 
to handle (or documentation that could be improved), and if the registry 
could create an issue as a warning first, nobody should be surprised by 
their project being archived.

I wonder if the Dub registry could read a CI configuration file to grab 
the tested D compilers in a repo, and display them on the package's page 
as supported compilers. I don't know if people would interpret that to 
imply that the package is incompatible with anything not listed though.

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