On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 at 07:56:37 UTC, Andrew Benton wrote:
On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 at 20:45:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


I think that the largest issue there is probably the marketing and advocacy. When Rust was about the same share as D, it had much better marketing. Someone was running their twitter channel and working to make the language much more visible. D flat out doesn't have that.

If I had to pick a second issue, it's that the ecosystem story is hard compared to other languages. New programmers aren't certain what to choose or how to get their environment up and running. Compared against Rust, Go, and Java we have horrible ecosystem fragmentation. E.g. three compilers, two separate languages for dub

I agree that marketing is a pretty serious problem for D. Many people just aren't aware of it. Even for people who do not program in the newer languages, Rust and Go are already well known to anybody who uses C# or C/C++ or Java, and even many Python or JavaScript programmers. D is often looked over and not visible enough on people's radars for them to even notice it, which is hugely disappointing as I've no doubt many would come to realise that it offers much of what they're looking for. Marketing is definitely failing the language here, but considering we don't have some huge company backing D, it's doing fairly well on its own. I just worry it's not enough to rely on word-of-mouth because it doesn't seem to be enough.

Personally I don't find the ecosystem to be a huge problem any more than C++'s is a problem. I can install DMD and LDC and, if/when I want/need to, I can tell rdmd to build using LDC. I am glad to have options, as I don't feel that they hinder my use of D.

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