On Saturday, 17 February 2018 at 12:18:28 UTC, Peter Campbell wrote:
I was checking the 2017 vision pages and was wondering why there hasn't been a 2018H1 vision page but also what the current status of being able to use D without a garbage collector is?

There are a number of ways to use D without the garbage collector. However, one of the easiest is with the -betterC flag. You'll want to read the two blog articles here (https://dlang.org/blog/category/betterc/) for more information about that.

2.079, the upcoming release will also have a way to use D without the runtime and without -betterC. What this allows you to do is partially implement just the runtime features you wish to support. You can read more about it in the nightly changelog here (https://dlang.org/changelog/pending.html#minimal_runtime)

You might also be interested in this article: https://wiki.dlang.org/Memory_Management


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