On 2/19/2018 10:40 PM, Tobias Müller wrote:
> Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) <seewebsitetocontac...@semitwist.com> wrote:
>> On 02/19/2018 03:52 AM, Manu wrote:
>>> On 18 Feb. 2018 10:25 pm, "Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d" <
>>> digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
>>> On 2/18/2018 7:52 PM, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
>>>> Well, it's also the world's most inconsistant and statndards-disregarding.
>>>> We're talking 1990's MS-level behavior here. It's *always* causing trouble
>>>> for something or another.
>>> And the great thing about NNTP is that the user gets to choose the client.
>>> Not the server. If you don't like the way your client behaves, use another
>>> one.
>>> Except in this case it's you that doesn't like the way my mail client
>>> behaves.
>> Because your mail client is BROKEN.
>>> I don't want to install software, I'll continue using Gmail, undoubtedly
>>> the world's most popular mail client...
>> Then petition *Google* to fix their ****** ****** software. You've
>> already been told it has **** all to do with NNTP.
> It's no wonder that D has so few contributors if they are actively scared
> away.

I have no idea what is scary about this.

> If you want more people to contribute, make it as easy for them as
> possible.

We do. You can use any NNTP client you wish. You can also use DFeed at https://forum.dlang.org

> I really don't understand why this cannot be solved on the server.

Because when gmail emails someone, it does not go through D's server. DFeed is also an NNTP client and it does not have this problem. Neither does Thunderbird's client, which I use.

> Replying to all adresses in the Reply-To: header isn't what I would
> call broken anyway.

It's annoying because I do not know if he intended to send me private email or intended it to be public on the forum. It doesn't sound like he intended to send these private emails, making it a problem with his client. I cannot fix his client. He has to, or use another client.

Of course, I could just mark those emails as spam, but then he couldn't send me private email if he wanted to.

> Is he even using NNTP? Or maybe the mailing list Interface?

He's using gmail's NNTP client. It's simply not possible for us to control it, any more than we can fix printer issues with Microsoft Word running on your machine. And you wouldn't want us to if we could :-)

Now, since we allow any NNTP client to post to our NNTP forums, it stands to reason that it's polite to configure it properly. In this case, it would be to not spam out unintended emails, and to post as plain text, not double post everything as both text and html. While the double posting will work, it makes the NNTP database twice as big and half as fast, for no purpose whatsoever. These should be configurable with any NNTP client that is not an incompetent steaming pile of rotting cabbage.

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