On 19/03/2018 3:56 PM, Norm wrote:
On Monday, 19 March 2018 at 00:59:45 UTC, Manu wrote:
On 18 March 2018 at 17:28, Joakim via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

Perhaps the community simply has different priorities than you? For example, my Android port has never gotten much use either, which is fine as I primarily did that work for myself.

Nevertheless, you have to think of D as like working in a startup: if you see something that you think needs doing, you have to drive it yourself or it will never get done. Pretty much the same for most any OSS project too.

This is such an easy and readily-deploy-able response here.
What you say is true, and I totally understand this... but at the same
time, that's not actually the relationship I want to have with my
tool. A startup probably shouldn't still be a startup 10 years later.

In your case, doing the android work was obviously an interest you had
on the side, and you gain something from the work itself.
I have a small amount of that, but that's not where I'm at, and it
never has been. I want to use D to do my job, because I'm fed up with
C++. I want to engage in D the way I think D should **EXPECT** it's
users to engage in D; as an end-user, who uses the tool to get their
jobs done.
If D is a large-ish scale hobby project among a bunch of people with
mutual interests, then that should be more clearly communicated, but I
don't think that's the intent, and I feel perfectly fine interacting
with D in the way D is intended to be interacted with.

Incidentally, this particular work I'm doing is on a multimedia library intended for the community... so I really am truly trying to contribute something of value!! But like most of my projects, I tend to get blocked at some point, and then it goes on hold indefinitely.

+1024 bytes

I think D is a terrific language worthy of all the praise it gets and it is way way more stable than it was 3yrs ago. But the attitude of submit a PR if you want it fixed works very much against D. Like it or not these forums are a front page on the D marketing campaign.

My workplace has stopped using D after a 6 month trial, which finished in Jan 2018. Several developers did post here during that period when blocked by a bug or incomplete feature, only to be told if they want it fixed they can always submit a PR.

Did they at any point tell us that it was a blocker for your company who was trialing D?

Because I do not remember once in that time period of any one saying this.

Walter has gone out of his way in the past to help companies, even flying to them on his own dime.

If you want to be treated special, we need to have a reason for you to be treated special, otherwise you're just like everybody else complaining without giving back.

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