On 03/23/2018 03:35 AM, Jordan Wilson wrote:

I suppose it's about finding that balance between growing the D user base, and trying to get said user base to give back.

Say I was offered a car with no windscreen...I have 3 responses:
1. Cool! I'll put in a windscreen myself, as this car has a great engine.
2. Thanks. This car does a great job getting from a to b, pity about all these bugs flying in my face though. Wish I knew more about windscreens.
3. No thank you, I'll just stick with the train. Nice spinner rims, btw.

Regarding D, I fall into (2), but sometimes I wonder if catching the train would be easier...

I used to be (2) with D, but that was something like ten years ago. At this point, it's more like a brand new sedan, well-built, reasonably priced, great mileage, a few minor things I've tweaked or done differently if I had a magic wand, but otherwise a car that leaves me wondering "Why are people whining about the lack of spinner support and iPhone whiz-bangery? Big effing deal."

That's NOT a comment on Manu's OP here, of course. Something like "Why is x^^y *still* not CTFE-able???" is the kind of thing I completely sympathize with. Can't imagine that sort of thing being a blocker though, especially if I were still doing a lot of work in C or C++.

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