On Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 14:30:07 UTC, Thomas Brix Larsen wrote:
I'd recommend dqml[1] or full Qt using Calypso[2] instead of QtE5. I'm currently using dqml in a project and it is working out great.

Awesome, thank you! I'll keep that in mind!

On Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 13:08:24 UTC, Chris wrote:
In my experience, if you stick to plain JS+CSS+HTML things don't break that often.

...If you can get things written in the first place. Over the summer I interned at a place where they taught me how to write a web app, and I very quickly learned that unless you're using TypeScript or something, it's nearly impossible to write clean, well-structured JavaScript code, just by the nature of language itself. And even then it's still kinda gross.

My whole point with what I said earlier was that there's no reason to be greedy about resources for your app unless it's specifically needed. If you're trying to deploy on every imaginable platform, I could absolutely see the benefit of being able to develop one app for all of them at once through the web - but that's even assuming there's no major quirks/concerns between all browsers.

Uknown's point about Moore's Law, I think, is the one we should be paying attention to. A while back, I saw a talk by Jonathan Blow called "Making Game Programming Less Terrible"[1], and lately it's been on my mind a ton. I've begun to think that by going straight to web/Node stuff is just contributing to the degeneration of software/computing. Things are so much slower than they should be nowadays because programmers either A) didn't know any better how to write software that's as snappy as it should be, or B) wanted to make things easier/cheaper for themselves.

A bit off-topic I suppose lol, but I hope this kind of outlines why I follow D so much in the first place and why I want something lightweight but workable if I can find it.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWv_vUgbmug

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