On Saturday, June 30, 2018 01:12:10 Joakim via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Yes, this is about those people, who as that blog post notes, are
> wasting a ton of money on an outdated ritual that no longer makes
> sense. If you believe the core team and a few key devs like you
> need to get together once a year in person and hash things out,
> then do that as an offline retreat somewhere, just don't sucker
> in a bunch of other paying DConf attendees to help defray your
> costs.
> The ultimate question here is what is the best use of the money
> that's being expended every year at DConf? Is that money best
> spent mostly on hotel/conference rooms and airline tickets for
> marginal benefit to most or on actually getting shit done? I
> think it's obvious that the model I've sketched out to Mike above
> would get a _lot_ more done.

A lot of people would disagree with you. If you don't want to go, then don't
go. If others don't want to go, then they don't have to go. No one is being
forced to go. There are clearly plenty of folks interested in going to
dconf, and I expect that it will continue to happen so long as there is such
interest. If folks aren't interested, then they won't show up, and if
attendance is too low, then presumably, dconf won't be held anymore.
However, the interest is clearly there even if you aren't interested, and I
don't understand why you would be trying to get folks to stop going when
they're very much interested in going and see value in doing so. If all you
care about is being able to get online content, then just watch the videos

- Jonathan M Davis

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