On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, "J?r?me M. Berger" wrote:

> bearophile wrote:
> > Bill Baxter:
> > > D used to be there, but the folks running the shootout de-listed it
> > > for some reason.
> > > Maybe it was lack of a 64-bit compiler?
> > 
> > I think the notgentle person that manages the Shootout site has removed D
> > because D programs were too much similar to the C programs. He is looking
> > for very different code, not slight variations.
> > 
>       Which doesn't prevent him from having 3 versions for the C program
> plus 2 for C++, not counting the Java and C# versions...
>               Jerome

Sorry for replying deep into the thread rather than the earlier post, but 
this is the one I have handy...

This community has a lot of bad habits.  The particularly dangerous one 
demonstrated well in this thread is that of making assumptions about 
intent.  D isn't listed in the shootout, it once was.  We don't know the 
facts about why so we like to make the up.  Its human.  But it's really 

Another really good example:  Silence on a top tends to be equated with 
rejection, especially when it comes to why whatever it was hasn't been 
implemented yet.  The majority of the time that's not the reason for the 
silence.. it's merely a matter of 'haven't gotten to it yet' or 'didn't 
see it amongst the hundreds of other things'.


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