Am Wed, 01 Aug 2018 16:04:01 -0700 schrieb Walter Bright:

>> Certainly, it does come across like you didn't trust the D module
>> system to do its job for some reason.
> Reorganizing the code into modules means potentially forcing users to
> split code from one C++ file into multiple D files. How's that really
> going to work if you have a translation tool? One of the aspects of Java
> I didn't care for was forcing each class into its own file.

Why would that not work with a translation tool? Just establish a fixed C+
+ namespace / D module mapping, then whenever processing something in a C+
+ namespace append the declaration to the corresponding file.

> So while Manu is clearly happy with cutting up a C++ file into multiple
> D files,
> I doubt that is universal. His proposal would pretty much require that
> for anyone trying to work with C++ namespaces who ever has a name
> collision/hijack or wants to make the code robust against
> collision/hijacking.
> An example of silent hijacking:
>     extern (C++, "ab") void foo(long); // original code ... lots of code
>     ...
>     extern (C++, "cd") void foo(int); // added later by intern, should
>     have been
>                                       // placed in another module
>     ... a thousand lines later ...
>     foo(0); // OOPS! now calling rather than, D sux
> You might say "nobody would ever write code like that." But that's like
> the C folks saying real C programmers won't write:
>      int a[10];
>      for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
>         ...a[i]...
> But we both know they do just often enough for it to be a disaster.
> Now, with D:
>      extern (C++, ab) void foo(long);
>      foo(0);    // works!
>      ---
>      extern (C++, ab) void foo(long);
>      extern (C++, ab) void foo(int);   // error!
>      ---
>      extern (C++, ab) void foo(long);
>      extern (C++, cd) void foo(int);
>      foo(0);    // error!
> I juxtaposed the lines so it's obvious. It's not so obvious when there's
> a thousand lines of code between each of those lines. It's even worse
> when foo(long) sends a birthday card to your daughter, and foo(int)
> launches nuclear missiles.

If you insist on using a 'translator' tool anyway, it's trivial to detect 
this problem automatically in such a tool.      


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