On 09/15/2018 06:57 AM, Josphe Brigmo wrote:

You are missing the point, MAX_PATH is more than just phobos. It's built in to the windows design. Windows enforces it.

All ansi api calls are limited by MAX_PATH.

The way to fix it is to use the wide api calls which are not limited or to use other tricks.

Phobos *NEEDS* to be modified to work with these newer OS's.

You wouldn't like it if phobos limit something that it didn't need that you would use, would you?

File operations are so common that this stuff is relevant to all that use windows(and some that don't).

As has already been said, *file a bug report*.

When told this before, instead of submitting a proper bug report, you simply moved your goalposts and began complaining about very vague, general things instead.

You appear to be less interested in getting this, or any other specific issue fixed than you are in simply ranting, griping and berating.

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