I'm playing with a branch of DMD that would warn on unused imports:


Two problems have arisen.


import std.stdio;

void foo(T)() { writeln("Hello World"); }

foo.d: Warning: unused import

To be fair, it's not *wrong*: if you remove the import, the module itself compiles just fine. In any case, it's trivial to instead move the import into the template.

The real problem is this:

import std.format;

class TestException(T) : FormatException { }

Now I can't move the import inside the template, because it's needed at the point of instantiation, but not inside the template scope *per se*.

I could require the class to be written as

template TestException(T) {
  import std.format;
  class TestException : FormatException { }

but that's kind of terrible.

I've been working around this for now, with import std.format : FormatException, but I'm not really happy with it.

Any ideas?

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