"Walter Bright" <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> Right, but like I had said below that, D isn't really usable for embedded 
>> ATM, so until that happens (and I'm *really* anxious to see that happen), 
>> D is still desktop-only, and even on the lowest-end desktops 80k is 
>> nothing.
> I didn't know you were an embedded systems developer. I haven't done 
> embedded systems since the 6800! So I don't know what's involved these 
> days.
> Can you spell it out for me exactly what needs to be done to support this 
> with DMD? (Yes, I know, do the ARM instruction set, but what about 
> embedded x86?)

Well, unfortunately, my embedded experience so far has been limited to 
hobbyist stuff, like homebrew GameBoy Advance (ARM) and VCS/2600 and 
Parallax's Propeller microcontroller (which can only just barely do C and it 
comes at a cost), very little on the tool-development side, plus it's been 
awhile since I've had a chance to do anything in that whole area anyway 
(damn web jobs...), so I can't really say.

I can say I'd definitely like to see D usable for Wii/XBox/Playstation/etc, 
because console games (*real* ones, that is) are still realistically limited 
to just C++ right now and games are probably the biggest reason I'm 
interested in embedded D. (And yea, Wii can do Flash but that's very 
limited, and 360 can do C#, but that limits you to 360/PC-only).

But again, I've been too far removed lately to really be sure what exactly 
would be needed. A C-generating backend would probably help though, although 
I assume that might be more work than adding another instruction set. 

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