"Steve Teale" <steve.te...@britseyeview.com> wrote in message 
>I see that Go has now usurped D's former place at #13 in Tiobe - which I 
>realize of course does not mean anything. But I'd be interested to hear 
>what the D aficionados think of Go.
> It probably would not suit Andrei.

It's a gimped, obfuscated and immature imitation of D.
It's little more than a concurrency-model experiment masquerading as a real 

- As far as I'm concerned, its real name is "Issue 9" (search "google go 
issue 9").
- It's the Buick/Cadillac/Oldsmobile of computer languages: Garbage that 
gets attention solely because of the name(s) attached.
- Does nothing to change my opinion that Google has done nothing noteworthy 
outside of search engines and maybe their ad service.

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