Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

> "Steve Teale" <> wrote in message 
> news:hjf9uk$
> >I see that Go has now usurped D's former place at #13 in Tiobe - which I 
> >realize of course does not mean anything. But I'd be interested to hear 
> >what the D aficionados think of Go.
> >
> > It probably would not suit Andrei.
> >
> It's a gimped, obfuscated and immature imitation of D.
> It's little more than a concurrency-model experiment masquerading as a real 
> language.
> Also:
> - As far as I'm concerned, its real name is "Issue 9" (search "google go 
> issue 9").
> - It's the Buick/Cadillac/Oldsmobile of computer languages: Garbage that 
> gets attention solely because of the name(s) attached.
> - Does nothing to change my opinion that Google has done nothing noteworthy 
> outside of search engines and maybe their ad service.

It looks like to me they are making Google Goo for prestige. Search engine, 
browser, now programming language... Whats next? OS? Laptops? Fast food 

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