Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Don wrote:
I think there are 3 cases:
(1) I want this to _always_ be treated as if it were a field;
(2) I want this to _always_ be treated as a function;
(3) I don't care. (this arises most frequently in generic code: you're forced to choose between a field and a function, but you can't have both).

D1 caters for case (3) very well, but does extremely poorly for (1) and (2). @property is perfect for case (1). It also seems reasonable to disallow property assignment syntax for anything which isn't marked as @property.

Disallowing removable parentheses for no-parameter functions is the contentious part.

Good summary. I now wonder, could one overload based on @property?

auto a = container.empty; // check for emptiness
container.empty();        // take the trash out


Anyway, I have one more comment about the example:

foreach (line; stdio.byLine) { ... }
foreach (line; stdio.byLine()) { ... }

Steve said, byLine fetches a range off stdio. In fact it's not - it's an opApply() based loop.

I was mistaken. byLine does fetch a range.

BTW I love byLine.


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