Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Andrei Alexandrescu" <> wrote in message news:hjt1ea$
Good summary. I now wonder, could one overload based on @property?

auto a = container.empty; // check for emptiness
container.empty();        // take the trash out


Why would that ever enter into anyone's mind? You already can't overload on a member's type, you already can't overload on function's return type, and you certainly can't overload on a mere decorator. There's no issue here.

Anyway, I have one more comment about the example:

foreach (line; stdio.byLine) { ... }
foreach (line; stdio.byLine()) { ... }

Steve said, byLine fetches a range off stdio. In fact it's not - it's an opApply() based loop. That already muddies the waters. But I have another, bigger concern. When I think of a property, I think I fetch it and it can't go back and modify its originator. Like if I do:

auto x = y.length;

I don't expect to later mess with x and change y through it.

I'm sure an inventive mind could find an argument against this but if I try to be honest with myself I'd think it's tenuous to have the tail property wag the dog object.

If you see a problem with being able to do this:

auto dog = new Dog();
auto tail = dog.tail;

Nonono, the expression "tail wagging the dog" means that the actual tail stands still and the dog is shaking like a tail.


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