Bane wrote:
Why a killing of trees for a manual that changes daily and can be on the internet? What is the point of TDPL? To make money? I don't see any value in a set of pages that are a manual for a constantly changing and unestablished computer programming language. Can't yaz save the trees and offer it for sale on the web to anyone who wants to pay for it? It's easy to setup a PayPal website (though I think D is far from that if ever). I don't see this thing selling in bookstores. A hard copy of an already obsolete specification? If it's just charitable contribution from long time afficionados, why not just .org and ask for contributions and not kill trees?

This might actually be a good point. I have a thought or 2 about it. A reason 
to save trees:
 - TDPL is changing, true, and online format is much easier to update, 
navigate, search, and eco friendly. TDPL would be obsolete (for current version 
of language) before it is published.

When TDPL is published D2 will be frozen.  That's the whole point.


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