On 01/02/2010 01:56, BCS wrote:
Hello Bane,

Lars T. Kyllingstad Wrote:

When TDPL is published D2 will be frozen. That's the whole point.


Aha! What about... D3 ? :)


And FWIW, I'm in the lets kill trees camp.

p.s. Why doesn't anyone ever bring up the power requirements for reading
digital docs? Making a book is a one time investment, reading a file
requiters continues power.



Don't go the power requirements route. This will just bring endless discussion:
1) what about green power - like using solar energy?
2) what about using recycled paper for books?
3) what about the pollution caused by manufacturing the PC and batteries if it's a laptop?
4) what about the pollution caused by manufacturing books?

Personally, I prefer paper for stuff that's meant for long-term use and digital for one-offs. newspaper is a prime example of what not to do - either you pollute by printing daily on new paper or you provide a crappy experience with recycled paper. This is IMO a prime example where digital is better. YMMV

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