On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:09:18 -0500, Jordi <jo...@rovira.cat> wrote:

Yes, I think there is some amount of "despotism" in the way it is being done, but i don't understand at all how people can come here to complain so much. Guys, if you don't like this, move on to another language, fork this one, or stay and try to be constructive, submit patches, etc. Many things can be done better, but don't forget how much you are paying for this (hint, 0) and how much right you have to be angry if this people don't do as you say (hint, none).

Don't take all heated arguments on this news group at face value :) Most people here respect each other's opinions and simply have different opinions on what is better. Especially with Walter calling the shots, it becomes almost necessary to mount a very strong argument. He notoriously resists change until the last possible moment. This is both frustrating and also a very very good thing. I think without this resistance D would have disintegrated into a mass of unusable complexity long ago.

There are the perennial complainers that don't add much positive to the discussion, but even they have good points sometimes. I'd hate to ask people to leave the newsgroup because more sets of eyes are better for any product to become as good as it can be!

Please, everyone continue to have strong opinions and voice them! Great ideas do not come from silence.

I have great hopes for D2, that will be resolved favorable or not after the secret concurrency stuff is published and GDC catches up.

I have to address this, please go to http://lists.puremagic.com to view all the "secret" concurrency stuff ;) And phobos discussion. If you want to join the list, simply subscribe! There is no secret here.


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