On 28-mar-10, at 12:10, Bane wrote:

JamesKan Wrote:

Andrei wants some (he just wants money, huh). Walter? Shut it down. Count
the people engaged in this <whatever it is>, and if a few select
capitalize on its failure, then, who are you? There is no money in D.
None. Nada. Religions are not for profit. It's OK to worship, whoever
<stupid> people want to. If TDPL goes to press, there is something VERY
wrong (and there is).

Bitching about your own life disappointments? Whenever you go everything appears the same? Here's an idea: go some place else!

yep it sure looks like it, why the hate?

For sure it is possible to use D fruitfully (I hope that I am doing that). I cannot talk too much about D 2.0 because I participated on discussions mostly as outsider (i.e. non D 2.0 user), but I sure think that there are improvements in D 2.0. I don't agree with all changes, and I think that D 2.0 is not yet ready for me, and D1.0 is quite good already, and I like its stability (even it also botches sometime). Still freezing D2 is for sure not a bad thing, and if the book contributes to that then good...


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