> Do you mean this one?
> "What problems has D solved? (Other than providing compiler writers with 
> masturbatory material). Light bulb (!!!): D is a circle jerk! (Not that 
> there's anything wrong with that)."
> It has a similar tone.
> Why would someone be so bitter and write so badly? Even if it were the 
> case that D was not really any more than a discussion group for ideas 
> about compiler design, it would still be a worthwhile exercise.
> Walter has been contributing to the industry for years, and anyone who 
> has done that in the way he has will have experienced ups and downs. He's 
> the last person I know who I would describe as money-grabbing.
> If Andrei wants to risk all the work it takes to get a book published, 
> and he's bet on a particular horse, then whichever way it goes, that's 
> his own choice. Since when was there an unwritten rule that you can't do 
> speculative technical work with a view to making some money in the 
> future. If people hadn't done that many times we would barely have 
> computers and computer languages at all!
> I'd put it more bluntly than some (not to you Pelle) - piss off you 
> anonymous prat, or be clear about your identity then we can all judge 
> your motives.
> Steve

I agree with Steve.

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