On 31/03/10 21:58, Walter Bright wrote:
Robert Clipsham wrote:
The first one is in bugzilla,

Do you mean http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1079 or another?

http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3987 Please ignore the attached patch file, it's the incorrect fix (although it does work). I haven't written a formal patch, I didn't see a need with it only being 2 lines needing removing (which are mentioned in my last post, and a comment on that bug).

As an update to the case it doesn't fix, it seems the second DW_TAG_formal_param is causing the debug info for something else to be written half way between the debug info for something else, so when it's read it's read incorrectly. Still working on this, I'm hoping to have a patch for it tonight, I've already put days into this, I'd rather not spend too much more ;)

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