On 04/29/2010 03:02 AM, SHOO wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu さんは書きました:

Following the great work that Masahiro Nakagawa and SHOO offered to
Phobos, we are inviting them to join the Phobos developer ranks.

Once the community review of the proposed libraries concludes with
approval, Masahiro and SHOO will be able to commit the modules to
Phobos themselves.

In case you two accept the invitation, please create accounts on
dsource.org if you don't have and the let me know of your IDs.


For your invitation, I answer yes.
My account of dsource.org is here:

Thanks! You are now a Phobos developer. Unfortunately you cannot commit your changes to std.date because it infringes on Tango's license.


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