On 2010-05-07 13:55:34 -0400, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> said:

Source code could look something like:

     import http.d_repository.foo.version1_23;

and the compiler could interpret "http" as meaning the rest is an internet url, foo is the package name, and version1_23 is the particular version of it.

So now, each time a new version of a library pops up you need to search-replace the version number for all your source code, and source code of other library you depend on? This is insane.

The version number shouldn't be there, except perhaps if it's a 'major' version number full of breaking changes.

Also, putting in the source code the location or protocol to fetch the repository isn't much better. There's a reason we have a module import path: so that finding external code depends on compile-time configuration, not on the actual code you build.

Allowing URLs in the import path might be an interesting idea though.

Michel Fortin

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